Video I
Riven Telescope from Cho 102997 on Vimeo.
We will be closing beta signup this Friday, January 8th, 2009 at 11:59 PM EST. If you haven’t signed up yet, now is the time! We are most certainly not anywhere near being maxed out, so tell your friends too! For quick reference, here is a link to the signup post.
Become a beta tester!
Now you can sign up to be a beta tester for the Starry Expanse project!
Simply click the “Beta Signup” link at the top of the page.
Edited (2012-04-03): Removed old Beta Signup method.
Apologies for the delay; a team member failed to meet a deadline so we couldn’t post the Beta signup program immediately. The problem has been fixed, and we hope you understand. We promise we’ll get it right this time!
The release will instead occur today, December 21, at 8:00 PM EST (two hours later than originally planned).
We look forward to having some beta testers!
Our Beta Signup program will be released this coming Monday, December 14 21, at 6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. Be ready! 🙂
A few technical details: there will be three applications, one for Mac, one for Windows, and one for either platform. The former two will be standalone executables but very large (the Mac one we know is upwards of 28 Mb) so if you’re absolutely set on being one of the first to sign up for Beta, we’d recommend going with the Python one, since it is smaller and will download more quickly. It will require some version of Python 2 (NOT 3) and each of the following Python modules: wx, wx.richtext, wx.wizard, os, cStringIO, base64, tempfile, subprocess, platform, re, urllib2, urllib.
That’s right! Beta signups are coming soon.
We’re still working on some server-side things, but in a few days (really, this time) we will post a downloadable that will let you sign up for beta testing. Keep in mind you must be willing to submit bug reports and feedback on a regular basis, not just willing to get a sneak peek!
The lists will *probably* fill up fairly quickly, and we’re running this thing on a first-come-first-serve basis. (hint, hint.) So you may want to camp out around here when it comes close to Beta-signer-upper release time.
We will make another post announcing the exact time of release at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance.