Jul 28 2010

Render XXVI

Render XXVI

Jul 10 2010

Render XXV

Render XXV

Jun 12 2010

Note I

For those of you who haven’t seen, we’ve started another twitter feed that displays SVN commit summaries at @SECommits.

Jun 6 2010

Render XXV

Render XXIV

May 24 2010

Render XXIII

Render XXIII

May 21 2010

Render XXII

May 8 2010

Beta Again

Well, we kind of hoped that allowing beta signups to go through only for a limited time would raise hype and that people would sign up for beta like, as soon as they could.

Turns out that wasn’t the case. Despite our weirdly gigantic spikes in unique visitor counts each time we posted something containing the word “beta,” we only got around ten beta testing applications.

So! We’ve decided to re-open the beta test signup process until we get more beta signups than we know what to do with (note: this doesn’t mean we won’t be checking for quality in your application). At our previous rate of beta signup, that would’ve happened around year 2121, so let’s hope we get some more signups quicker this time. 😉 Beta is officially open again!

Here is the signup page. If you find out who we are (not that hard) please don’t tell anyone. Thanks!

Apr 24 2010

Video II

Riven Spider Chair from Cho 102997 on Vimeo.

Apr 22 2010

Render XX & XXI

Here are some more renders we had sitting around. Note the first was taken because of color issues.

Apr 13 2010

Long-Overdue Update I

Not that you all would give up hope, being URU fans, but the project (we’d like to assert) is not dead. We are simply taken yet another one of our long and unannounced hiatuses* while we deal with school-related issues and ponder the meaning of our lives. Soon we’ll come to the ultimate realization (as we always do) that the way we can maximize the significances of our existences is by working on the Starry Expanse Project, and when that happens, the project will resume.
* Not hiati; we looked it up.

Also, we’re currently in great need for a character artist, a person with a lot of 3D Studio Max experience and a skill for passing on knowledge, and a texture artist with a particular skill for mapping the danged pictures.

So that’s it from the Starry Expanse… sorry to not bring any earth- or Riven-shattering news, but since you all deserve it for your enduring patience, here’s a pastry of sorts: <insert pie here>.